lunes, 22 de mayo de 2017

Unit 8 terciary sector


The term media refers to the ways of communicating developed in the 19th and 20th centuries like the press (newspapers) etc... also  refers to the means of delivering and receiving data or information.

                                  Types of media.

- press is a written or recorded communication directed at members of the news media for the purpose of announcing something ostensibly newsworthy and it still plays an important role in communicating news and opinions.

- Telephony: is the field of technology involving the development, application, and deployment of telecommunication services for the purpose of electronic transmission of voice, fax, or data, between distant parties. Telephony has changed a lot. Mobile phones now include many applications and can send and receive text messages, images and videos.

- Radio is the technology of using radio waves to carry information, such as sound, by systematically modulating properties of electromagnetic energy waves transmitted through space. 
until the mid 20th century it was the fastest way of communicating 

- television: is a telecommunication medium used for transmitting moving images in monochrome (black-and-white), or in color, and in two or three dimensions and sound. 

- The internetis the global system of interconnected computer networks that use the Internet protocol suite (TCP/IP) to link devices worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of private, public, academic, business, and government networks of local to global scope. This IT network has revolusionated the mass media because it includes press, television and radio.

Unit 7 secondary sector

                                        Industrial Space

Industries are established in one place or another depending on several factors:
- Proximity to raw materials and energy sources.
-Proximity to the market and neighborhoods
- Availability of labor
-Access to means of transport
- Availability of financial support
- Existence of population
- Existence of means of comunication
- Economic development of the area and presence of other industries
- Aplication of policies that favour industralisation.

                                Types of industrial space 

Dispersed space: here, there are isolated and dispersed industries.
Grouped space: are the industrial areas on the periphery of cities and there are two types: industrial parks (that are located on the outskirts with factories, industrial plants, ware houses ... etc) and tecnology parks (that are industrial areas dedicated to high technology, research, development and innovation, with low enviromental impact.)

miércoles, 22 de marzo de 2017

Unit 6 the primary sector

 Agricultural space is created when people modify natural áreas in order to use them for crop agriculture, livestock farming or forestry. Its composition is influenced by different factors: physical factors and human factors but I am going to explain physical factors.

Physical factors: they are composed by: climate, relief, soil, vegetation and economic factors

- climate: determinated by: Temperature and rainfall (Plant life is not possible in dry areas except with the help of irrigation) and adverses phenomenas like frost, hail and hailstorms that could damage crops.

- relief: determinated by: the sunlight that are more appropiate for crops
The wind that can damage crops
The slopes: makes agricultural work more difficult due to the plant's roots
The altitude: as more altitude more coldness so for this reason soil freeze and cultivation is no longer possible

- Soil: determinated by:
Thickness: the Deep soil is better for agriculture because roots had to have space
Nutrients: this is necesary for plant's life if the soil don't have nutrients the live of plants is no longer possible

- Vegetation: provides the soil with humus, so the more vegetation an área has, the more fertile the soil will be.

- economic factors such as Market, Capital, labour and Government Policies

miércoles, 15 de marzo de 2017

the economy


Is the responsable for the administration or use of resources which satisfy needs and wants of individuals and groups.
people to satisfy their needs and wants produce economic goods that can be: products or services

- products: are material objects such as food movile phones etc...
- services: work that is done for someone which doesn't `produce a material product such as transport education etc...

economic goods are limited and you can buy and sell them. That is why they have a Price.
to`produce this economic goods we need several resources called factors of production thet can be of different types:
natural resorces like the earth wáter plants etc...
human resources that is the people and their labour.
capital resources: money, infrastructure, machinery and equipment.

jueves, 9 de febrero de 2017

Analysing of sevilla map

                                    Analysing of seville          

Site: :in the western part of  Andalusia. It is bordered by the provinces of Málaga, cadiz in the south, Huelva in the west, Badajoz in the north and Córdoba in the east. Seville is the province's as well as the Andalusian autonomous community's capital.

Situation: is located in the south west of spain in the iberian peninsula.

urban plan: seville has a orthogonal plan and wide streets tah cross at right angles 

urban construction: in seville there are few old buildings and shacks or shanties althought there are a lot of single-family homes and buildings 
in form of blocks
Resultado de imagen de urban `plan of seville