miércoles, 22 de marzo de 2017

Unit 6 the primary sector

 Agricultural space is created when people modify natural áreas in order to use them for crop agriculture, livestock farming or forestry. Its composition is influenced by different factors: physical factors and human factors but I am going to explain physical factors.

Physical factors: they are composed by: climate, relief, soil, vegetation and economic factors

- climate: determinated by: Temperature and rainfall (Plant life is not possible in dry areas except with the help of irrigation) and adverses phenomenas like frost, hail and hailstorms that could damage crops.

- relief: determinated by: the sunlight that are more appropiate for crops
The wind that can damage crops
The slopes: makes agricultural work more difficult due to the plant's roots
The altitude: as more altitude more coldness so for this reason soil freeze and cultivation is no longer possible

- Soil: determinated by:
Thickness: the Deep soil is better for agriculture because roots had to have space
Nutrients: this is necesary for plant's life if the soil don't have nutrients the live of plants is no longer possible

- Vegetation: provides the soil with humus, so the more vegetation an área has, the more fertile the soil will be.

- economic factors such as Market, Capital, labour and Government Policies

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